UNH Safe Zones Program
UNH Safe Zones is an educational program to raise awareness of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning, intersex, asexual, aromantic, pansexual and other (LGBTQIA+) issues and contribute to a campus climate of inclusion at UNH.
Who is an Ally?
In a LGBTQIA+ context, an ALLY is a person, regardless of their own sexual orientation or gender identity, who supports LGBTQIA+ people and honors sexual and gender diversity and acts accordingly to respond to and challenge homophobic, heterosexist and transphobic comments, assumptions, behavior, discrimination and oppression. Being an ALLY is a process where each ALLY engages in their own unique process toward considering their own comfort level and ways of responding to homophobia, heterosexism and transphobia (i.e. there is no "one" way or "right" way to be an ALLY). An ALLY also considers ways to continue to learn about and gain further understanding of LGBTQIA+ people and issues, as well as their own biases and privileges.

The Safe Zones Symbol
The UNH Safe Zones sticker is an ally symbol that can be seen posted around campus by students, faculty and staff who have participated in at least one UNH Safe Zones program or training.
What is the purpose and meaning of the Safe Zones symbol?
- Displaying the Safe Zones symbol conveys that you are an ally to LGBTQ+ individuals.
- The Safe Zones symbol is an official UNH wildcat paw outlined in rainbow with the words “Safe Zone” in the center and "UNH" below the paw.
- The rainbow is a commonly recognized LGBTQIA+ and ally symbol.
- Students, faculty and staff who are allies to the LGBTQIA+ community post this Safe Zones symbol as a way to visibly represent their commitment to providing support to LGBTQIA+ individuals.
- Seeing the Safe Zones symbol around campus lets LGBTQIA+ students, faculty and staff know that there is a campus-wide network of allies.
Displaying the Safe Zones symbol conveys that you are committed to:
- Providing support to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and questioning, and ally (LGBTQA+) individuals.
- Helping LGBTQ+ individuals and allies access LGBTQIA+ resources.
- Confronting, reducing, and preventing homophobic and transphobic bias incidents, including joking, comments, language, harassment, discrimination and violence based on sexual orientation and gender identity/expression.
- Continuing to further educate yourself to learn more about LGBTQA+ issues and experiences.
- Creating a more safe, welcoming, and inclusive campus climate for LGBTQIA+ students, faculty and staff.
Safe Zones Sticker Request
If you have already participated in a UNH Safe Zones training or program, and need another sticker, please call the Coordinator of the UNH Safe Zones programs at (603) 862-5053. Safe Zones stickers should only be displayed by students, faculty and staff who have participated in a UNH Safe Zones program or training.